I’m Lori, the Aquarian creative force behind “Cosmic Collage©”.
I have 25 years+ of professional experience as a graphic artist and web designer. I have created the artwork for 3 published decks for Hayhouse and I also have a self published deck called the Energetics of Color. Creativity has been a very important part of my own personal healing journey. I believe that the process of creation is a sacred one that should stay in the hands of humans, that is if integrity and authenticity is what you align with.
Ever since I was a child, I have experienced very vivid and detailed dreams, visions, and glimpses of other realms and lifetimes. My creative imagination is undoubtedly a gift from the spirit world.
I have a strong will to bring justice to in justifications. I do my very best to be earth conscious and restore balance to an imbalanced world. I love to express these passions through my brand, ©Cosmic Collage, LLC. My compass of intuition is growing stronger with the years.
Connecting with like minded individuals on professional projects is very important to me. Consider me as a conduit for your visions and ideas that energetically flow through my creative channel and are executed by my hands.